
Health and Safety News

Occupational health and safety news and guidance

Blog posts : "uk"

Who visits

Photo shows a globeThanks to Google, we can see who has been visiting, more specifically, where they are in the World. Looking at the number for the past two months, we get a pretty clear picture.

It's probably not a surprise that just over 72% of visitors were based in the United Kingdom but w…

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How to avoid a worker's compensation claim on your construction zone

Photo shows a worker on a construction siteThe number of work related injuries, both in the UK and Australia, is quite high. In fact, 2012-2013 saw an estimated 646,000 work related accidents with 1/3 of those leading to three or more missed work days and another 1/3, seven or more missed days. While self-reported non-fatal injuries have fal…

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U.S. healthcare vs. U.K. healthcare: How is it different?

Summary:  A look at the differing healthcare systems in the U.S. and U.K.

With healthcare constantly in the news these days, you may be wondering how the American system compares to that of other developed nations. The United Kingdom is a good starting point for comparison on account of the cultur…

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Fulham scaffold collapse

ScaffMag has reported on scaffolding that collapsed in a busy stretch of road in Fulham. No one was passing at the time so no injuries have been reported.

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Fatal injury statistics for 2010/11

Summary for 2010/11

  • The provisional figure for the number of workers fatally injured in 2010/11 is 171, and corresponds to a rate of fatal injury of 0.6 per 100,000 workers.
  • Given that these statistics are based on a count of events that are rare, they are highly subject to chance variation from on…

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Proposals on Revised Control of Asbestos Regulations

This consultation sets out the Health and Safety Executive's (HSE) proposals to introduce revised Control of Asbestos Regulations to implement the changes required to comply with the European Commission's reasoned opinion on the UK Government's transposition of Directive 83/477/EEC as amended by 200…

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Fear of getting it wrong stops most people learning first aid

Lives are being put at risk because people are avoiding learning first aid for fear of getting it wrong, a leading charity warns today.

A British Red Cross poll of more than 2,000 adults across the UK found that nearly two-thirds of respondents thought people avoid learning first aid because of the …

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Interim report on lessons learnt from Fukushima

Releasing the findings on 18 May, Mike Weightman, executive head of the ONR, stressed that current and proposed reactor designs in the UK are different to those at Fukushima, therfore:

"In considering the direct causes of the Fukushima accident we see no reason for curtailing the operation of nuclea…

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Japan 'lessons learned' report for the UK nuclear industry

On 12 March 2011, the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Chris Huhne, requested Mike Weightman, HM Chief Inspector of Nuclear Installations, to produce a report on the implications for the UK nuclear industry of the accident that took place at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power stat…

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Global working at height news

Dunedin's Forsyth Barr Stadium - New Zealand

Three workers from England and one from Scotland each held the highest level three certification in their trade, meaning they were experts in the climbing, lifting and rescue techniques. They went to Dunedin, New Zealand to work for Avalon, a subcontracto…

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10 Blog Posts