
Health and Safety News

Occupational health and safety news and guidance

Blog posts : "fire drill"

Five ways to avoid the Fawlty Towers fire drill debacle

John Cleese and the Fawlty Towers team are extremely good at injecting hilarious farce into otherwise ordinary situations. I laugh out loud every time I watch any episode, including the episode where Basil Fawlty incompetently conducts a fire drill (This is the sixth episode of the first series enti…

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What are employers' fire safety duties?

photo shows a building on fireEmployers, building owners and other people responsible for commercial buildings have a duty to put necessary fire safety precautions in place to all reasonable and practicable extents. This is seen in health law under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which applies to all non-domestic…

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2 Blog Posts