The bulk of traffic coming into this site is (unsurprisingly) from Google, with a few other search tools providing most of the rest. Just out of interest, we took a look at where 90% of our visitors came from and what they searched for the most. The remaining 10% of hits to the site are from direct links.
- 66% of our search engine hits come from Google, with these pages being the most commonly found:
- 45% safety jobs
- 15% health and safety in the pharmacy
- 5% the crane tag
- 1% preventing injuries at work
- Next was Bing with 25% of traffic and lots of people looking for information on balustrade installation
- Yahoo with 4%, with the most commonly visited pages equally divided between the curious culture of handwashing and building firm in court
- Then DuckDuckGo with 3%, and many of them visiting 4 essential safety tips for operating a cherry picker
- And Ecosia with 2%, with people mostly looking for information on handling bricks