There is a common misconception in society that modern homes are more protected from fires than older properties and we as professionals can confirm that this is certainly not the case. Many contemporary homes give the illusion of safety but in reality they are just as vulnerable, which is why it would be a wise decision to consider fire sprinklers in your home on top of the necessary fire alarms and fire extinguishers. Automatic sprinklers can protect your family much more reliably than a common fire or smoke alarm, performing the vital lifesaving actions that need to be performed to help extinguish a fire before it gets too intense.
It is a well-known fact within the fire protection industry that 4 out of 5 deaths related to fire happen in the household. This statistic can severely reduce if people were more equipped with the proper fire protection tools and resources that we feel should be a necessity in every home. We have listed some truths below that might help you make up your mind on whether or not you should consider automatic fire sprinklers for your home:
- Homes with a sprinkler system will dramatically lower the rate of death by just over 80%
- The damage caused to a home is almost halved if there is a working water sprinkler system installed. The high speed at which they work is one of the main reasons why it is able to dramatically minimise any damage.
- The damage caused by a fire is almost always (95%) isolated in the room of origin, stopping the fire before it has a chance to affect the rest of your home.
There is a common worry is that the sprinkler systems have a chance of setting off by themselves or by a minor incident in the kitchen, but we want to debunk this rumour. The technology is genuinely quite advanced and the basics of how they work are a lot simpler than you may think. As you might expect, the technology is based around temperature however the water will not turn on due to just any rise in heat. We can assure you that these sprinklers are not activated by common kitchen heat (such as smoke or a high heated pan), as only the heat of a fire will set the sprinkler system off.
Another myth regarding fire safety sprinklers is that they ruin the appearance of your kitchen or any other part of your home; however this is not the case. Fire sprinklers are typically not as large as you think; they only marginally stick out of the ceiling or wall and are in a circular shape that are slightly embedded, which you hardly notice until they are needed and pouring out with water.
City Fire Protection in London are a fire safety services company based in the UK, who provide comprehensive fire risk assessments as well as install a range of high quality fire safety products.