Many workplace accidents take place either when the employees fail to recognize a prospective perilous situation or when the company’s owner or the management team fails to install safety barriers. Reports about near misses and fatal accidents often signify that the causes of these accidents were owing to a lack of safety measures and risk awareness amongst the employees. To build safe workplaces, it is vital that these flaws are addressed and appropriate preventive actions are taken to avoid mishaps.
Safety barriers serve an extremely valuable function as they can be set up in different places and for different reasons. The barriers carry out numerous purposes such as blocking-off restricted areas to conducting safe traffic flow. If you manage a factory or a warehouse, you must be aware that there are many places, within the facility, where you would want to install safety barriers to avoid injuries and help in the smooth running of the factory.
There are an extensive variety of heavy safety barriers available on the market that can protect workforce as well as equipment in industries and warehouses. These barriers are normally produced in a bolted construction to aid easy replacement of damaged sections after an impact. Also, some of these barrier systems are made for self-installation hence it does not entail installation costs; which helps to lower your installation charges dramatically. The barriers are manufactured in a high-visibility orange colour as standard.
Safety barriers at factories and warehouses, for example, offer a level of protection for employees who work within the noisy, busy and often bewildering environment - the barriers also act as a vital tool of visual display which cautions the workforce of potentially dangerous areas.
Now-a-days, in many factories, the walkways are clearly marked for the workforce with safety barriers to make the path around the site safe for them. By ensuring a safe way to travel in and around the premises, you won’t have to be worried about your employees being hit by equipment.
Heavy vehicles, such as forklifts, are used in the daily operations carried out within industrial plants and warehouses. Forklifts are utilized to transport materials and products from one place to the other. The constant movement of this heavy vehicle, carrying bulky materials, places the employees at a risk of injury; the installation of safety barriers along the pathways of the forklifts in industrial plants has offered good protection to the workforce and has significantly reduced the chances of accidents.
The barriers are effectively used to restrict access to dangerous material storage areas. Due to the barriers, these areas are accessed only by authorized people. This marking of hazardous storage areas with barriers not only keeps unauthorized people out but it also helps in reducing workplace accidents.
Travelling on catwalks can prove to be dangerous so, to prevent falls, many companies have set up safety barriers that are a minimum of four to five feet high and span across the whole length of a catwalk. Moreover, many factory buildings have sinkholes or potholes so, if any employee or guest drives over these holes, they can incur injuries as most of the time, sinkholes and potholes are hard to spot. Due to this reason, barriers are used to warn passers-by and prevent accidents at workplace efficiently.
Overall, making sure that the place of work is safe does not necessitate huge investment. You need to carefully assess the risk and can mark the hazardous areas, pathways, restrict unauthorized access and set up safety barriers to protect your employees from harm. A healthy and safe workplace generates productive and confident workers.
Author Bio: This article was written by DRB Safety Barriers, who have twenty years’ experience in manufacturing safety gates and safety barriers